Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Inside Outside Overlap - My New Book !

I have recently launched, and will continue to launch, my first full length graphic novel called Inside Outside Overlap.
It's published by Timeless Books, Toronto and it's now available for purchase from them and at finer retailers around Canada and the US.


Marc Tessier said...

This is the cream de la comix! Daring in form, gorgeous art and a beautifully written narrative. Easily this comix stands way above the fold and will be remembered for a long time to come (by me at least). One of the best comix to come along in a while (and I read all the good ones!).

Anonymous said...

Right. Well, there are many more inviting comix out there by artists who have not impersonated the likes of celebrity cartoonists from the 60's and to be sincere we can say that it is a matter of personal taste. This work leaves the viewer looking at images devoid of human connection and if you enjoy assuming or looking at toons that replicate so many other great inventors, then ok. It's a rehash of what has been done by other people who have done it first and better. Historically not interesting and somewhat selfish.

Vasilios Billy Mavreas said...

anonymous is on a spree !

Anonymous said...

wow excellent book ! My boyfriend bought it from you yesterday at the expozine and it's absolutely fantastic !! Im amazed by your little world... magical...

Parker said...

Hi. I was wondering what you would think if i called a new music project Inside.Outside.Overlap
If i would need to get in touch with your agent or publishers let me know. email is