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I’m pretty much always making some kind of art.

I’ll show and tell about my process in the following slides … click on them for full size!

After that is a selected (and not updated!) list of solo and group shows I’ve done :

Solo Exhibits  (Selected)

•Inside The Face : New Pencil Drawings, Monastiraki, Mtl., Qc, 2011
•Workaday02 – And Another Thing, Curator Lance Blomgren, Helen Pitt Gallery, Van., BC., 2008.
•Au Dela Des Lapins, Galerie 1225, Mtl., Qc., 2003
•Yes, It Is True, Galerie 303, Mtl., Qc., 2001

Group Exhibits (Selected)

This Is Serious: Canadian Indie Comics, Art Gallery of Hamilton, Hamilton, Ont. 2019

AB project - Uncovering Artists’ Books, Grimsby Public Art Gallery, Grimsby, Ont. 2016

•Occult Contemporary, Curator Maria Chronopoulos, Monastiraki, MTL., QC., 2012
•Here & There, Curator Sean McCarthy, No Globe Exhibition Space, Brooklyn, NY, USA, 2012
•Big Bang, En Masse, Musée des Beaux-Arts Montréal, MTL., Qc., 2011-12
•Les Faussaires, Articule ARC, Mtl., Qc., 2011
•Bits & Pieces, Curator Rebecca Greene, Mills Gallery, Boston, Mass, USA, 2011
•Hommage à la Ville, OFF Interarts, Mtl., Qc., 2010
•Peut Mieux Faire – Cahiers D’Exercices, Atelier Punkt, Mtl., Qc., 2009
•Poetry Isn’t Sufficient : Mail-Art Show, Paper Kite Gallery, Kingston, PA, USA, 2008
•GraphZines Et Autres, Curator Sylvie Alix, BAnQ, Mtl., Qc., 2007
•Traits, Très Gros, galerie du Viaduc, Mtl., Qc., 2007
•Comics Craze, Curator Sylvie Gilbert, Walter Phillips Gallery, Banff Centre, AB, 2006
•Gene Swarm, Curator Rupert Bottenberg, Kop Shop, Mtl., Qc., 2006
•Cyclops’ Dreams, Curators Jo Cook & Owen Plummer, Access ARC, Van., BC, 2005
•Group of N, Propeller Gallery, Toronto, On., 2005
•Ink On The Edge, Tadu Contermporary Art, Bangkok, Thailand, 2004
•Livres D’Artistes De BNQ, Centre D’Exposition Val D’Or, Qc., 2004
•nowHERE: Paysages Contemporains, Galerie 303, Mtl., Qc., 2004
•Salon Dollop, Curator Sherwin Tjia, Rad’a Gallery, Mtl., Qc., 2003
•Touche Ca! Une Exosition de Livres D’Artistes, Galerie 303, Mtl., Qc., 2006
•Cyclops: Contemporary Canadian Narrative Art, Loop Gallery, TO., On., 2003
•Livres D’Artistes De BNQ, York Gallery/Harbourfront, TO., On., 2003
•Nos Ailleurs - Accents D’Une Epoque, Curator David Lafrance, Salle De L’Agora, Mtl., Qc., 2003
•Overdue : Living with Books, VAV Gallery, Mtl., Qc., 2001
•Maow Maow -  Reactor Gallery, TO., On., 2001
•5ieme Expo Livres D’Artistes, Galerie 303, Mtl., Qc., 2000